MK Studio and MK Productions House based at Pune, Maharashtra, India. In 2008, Shree Ganesh Movie Creation came into existence by Mr Machindra Kisan Dhumal. As he believe that cinema is a ideal medium to bring a social awareness in the citizens related to their duties and responsibilities . This inspiration is behind the construction of Mk Studio. Know More...

What we Offer

Mk Studio is a well equipped studio with modern gazettes. We are in a position to provide services on hire to the clients as per requirement we also under take to do total work related to production of full length movies, corporate films and advertisements following services are available on rental basis :

Film Making

Film Making is a organised process. It has three distinct and important stages :

1) pre-production ( Planning )
2) production (Filming)
3) post-production (Advertising and Distribution)


Film Marketing

Our marketing team is a one who provides multi level marketing statregies that helps to promote a movie on many platforms - Digital Media, Broadcast, Radio & Social Networks.

1) Press releases
2) Advertising Campaigns
3) Merchandising
4) Franchising
5) Media and Interviews.


Equipments Rental

We have Arts & Movie Studio, which is installed with latest technology and instuments. We are offering the Arts, Entertainment, Television, Advertising and industry professionals to hire our studio by hour or day or for period. MK Studio is the fully serviced studio in pune with equipments for rental like:

Camera & Setup Equipments
Outdoor & Indoor Shootings Equipments
Location Sound Equipments
Sound recording Studio
Audio/ Video Editing Studio
Other film Making Equipments


About in 1896 the film making arrives in India & the a piracy of film was one of important part come out as legal attention and reached in indian courts.

Types of licensing and certification as follows.

1) Film Certification (CBFC) U), (U/A), (A) and (S).
2) Film copyrights.
3) Public Performance License.


Distribution & Marketing

Film distribution is the important part of making a movie available for viewers.

1) Release date and other matters.
2) Theatrical distribution
3) Non-theatrical distribution
4) Media promotion
5) Social Media promotion



I, Machindra Kisan Dhumal believe that cinema is a ideal medium besides entertainment to bring social awareness in the citizen related to their duties and responsibilities .

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Rental Equipments

We have Arts & Movie Studio, which is installed with latest technology and instuments. We are offering the Arts, Entertainment, Television, Advertising and industry professionals to hire our studio by hour or day or for period as well as all film making equipments on rental.